Brief Talk
We give answers to your basic questions such as “What does it mean for a child with a life-threatening disease to have her/his dream realized?", or “How should the Wish Child and her/his family be approached?"
Getting to Know Our Wish Children
We share some details about our children who are waiting for their wishes to come true. We talk about various things such as which food they like, which TV shows they like to watch, which team they support, what their interests are and what their dream is.
Designing The Wish Fulfillment Day in Groups
Using their creativity and personal networks, the participants form groups to design the Wish Fulfilment Day according to our child's preferences and dreams.
The representatives of each group tell us how they designed the Wish Fulfillment Day in 5-minute long presentations. They touch on their fundraising details and how their teammates will be included in the Wish Fulfillment Day.
Evaluation and Wish Fulfillment
Participants fulfill the wish of the child in accordance with the work they did and the date they picked.